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elke marhöfer
Disturbed Ecologies
International post-doc at the Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environment Studies, Japan 2016 – 2020
No-Future Farmers
Petralia Soprana, 2020
Who does the Earth Think It Is? (Becoming Fire)
16mm, 56min., Japan 2020
Too Close Too Far
16mm, 21min., Japan 2020
Some plants emit sharp crystals …
Den Frie, Kopenhagen 2019
Natural Farming School
Photographs, Japan 2018
wild silkworm
Video, 15min., Japan 2018
16mm, 11min., Japan 2017
Ecologies of Practices and Thinking
PhD Thesis, Leiden: Brill [forthcoming]
looking for matsutake
Photographs, Japan 2018
20 cups
Skulptur, Japan 2018
Osaka Turtles — Nuptial 6
Video, 1min., Japan 2018
Some plants emit sharp crystals …
M.1, Hohenlockstedt 2018
Quantum Attentiveness
Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe 2017
Becoming Extinct (Wild Grass)
16mm, 23 min., Russia 2017
Shape Shifting
16mm, 18 min., Japan 2015
Primate Colors
16mm, 30 min., Hong Kong 2015
prendas – ngangas – enquisos – machines {each part welcomes the other without saying}
16mm, 25 min., Cuba 2014
Nobody knows, when it was made and why
16mm film, black & white, no sound, 10 min. 22 sec., England 2012
No, I am not a Toad, I am a Turtle!
16mm, 44 min., South Korea 2012
Is there something else I’ve lost?
16mm, 34 min., China 2011
immigration humans plants animals ghosts (late afternoon confusion)
Fei Contemporary Art Center, Shanghai 2010
Material for Analyse for Opposition – MAO
Manufactura’s Studio, Wuhan 2010
Bauern! (Farmers!)
Video, 51min., Burkina Faso 2007
How could it come to this, Elke? Wasn’t it a long way down?
Babette - Bar, Berlin 2008
Nuptia 1 – Nuptial 2 – Nuptial 3
16mm, diverse durations, Burkina Faso 2005
helle nacht nichten (bright night nothings)
Video, color/sound, 19 min. 36sec, Germany/United States/France, 2004
Mohammad Ali
16mm film, color/sound, 04 min. 04 sec., Burkina Faso, recorded 2005 completed 2014
phantomas entangled by aida
SD_Video, 27 min, Sarajevo, Belgrad, Skopje, Pristine, Thessaloniki, 1998/99
Quantum Attentiveness
Badischer Kunstverein Karlsruhe
19. May – 20. August 2017
With Mikhail Lylov